Is it just me or is this community really tiny?

  • 11
    just you, or we regulars are everywhere?
  • 3
    try and keep up
  • 5
    no its not only you in this community. but we are a small elite circle. not everybody has the gifts to become a developer (or similar)
  • 6
    This community is just big enough to be a community. Not all trolls need to know this exists.. :p
  • 3
    @rutee07 now im thinking of orgies, thanks
  • 5
    @xewl the top posts are low effort juvenile memes >_>
  • 1
    @rutee07 Clearly not sending enough invites.
  • 3
    @toriyaki still better than trolls, and feel free to turn off the jokes/memes filter :p
  • 4
    @rutee07 you host orgies without me 😲
  • 1
    @ynnk I can sense the irony pouring in
  • 2
    doesn't matter how tiny is that, what matters is what you can do with that.
  • 4
    @rutee07 the STandarD orgy test?
  • 1
  • 2
    @rutee07 apparently I didn’t get a follow up interview 🤷‍♂️
  • 2

    There's is a separate event for the people that didn't pass their test. Dunno what to name it.
  • 3
    Tiny, but lovable
  • 2
    @rutee07 is having one STD enough to pass the test, or are two even better? You know, redundancy and stuff.
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