I don’t live in the EU, but hearing all the complaints about article 11, 13, etc. is really vexing me.
Article 11 in particular.

Why the hell would you force companies to pay taxes for linking? Why the hell would you tax websites for including sources? Do you want no sources? Do you want misinformation to become a bigger problem? What the hell is wrong with whoever proposed that bill!?!?

The internet is a place for relative freedom. A place of message boards and communities we’ve created. To impede that (beyond making sure it doesn’t facilitate hanious crimes) is just plain wrong.

  • 3
    Thats the thing, what is a crime? Me uploading disneys Frozen on pornhub is illegal and a crime. They are trying to avoid that with this act. The issue is that this impacts so many other things as well.
  • 6
    As written, it would be shot down as unconstitutional in the US, because it restricts freedom of speech. It's way too broad. And to implement what they want is prohibitively expensive. Not even the NSA can filter that volume of data.
  • 8
    Old fogies trying to tax and sue things they don't understand into giving them more funding?

    I have no idea.
    Some people just aren't sane.
  • 1
    Felis, I don't think you got how that law works perfectly. It still has some problems but those are largely treated under the current laws on when something becomes public domain.
  • 0
    You have to understand that german politicians are mentally still living in the pre Internet era. As they also sit in the EU parliament, you get laws that makes perfectly sense for the offline world of the 20th century.

    And there are big media outlets with the same mentality at the top. They still see the Internet a threat to their business and they miss the golden age of print of the 90ties. So what they did was, start whining and buying politicians.
  • 1
    @iAmNaN did you just underestimate the NSA? 😂😂😂
  • 2
    😲 I would feel insulted @theNSA
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