I just had a professor unironically ask why students are stressed all the time. Education has changed. The insane assessments and workload make a healthy work-life balance impossible. There's no love of learning when the pace is shoved down your throat.

  • 4
    It's funny, most people have observed a lowering of standards and workloads in college, not an increase. I found college to be a bit of a joke. Many students would take 10x the amount of time that others did to complete the same assignment, so I think that in some cases it is that some students simply aren't cut out for it (not saying this is you). I personally wish college had been much more rigorous.

    Of course, this does vary greatly from college to college, but almost all of them have lowered standards to increase their pass rates.
  • 1
    @nathanasius this, I would love if college would shove the pace down my throat.
  • 0
    For me I prefer learning one or two things at a time on a deeper level. In college it's skimming over 4 or 5 topics so you can answer some test questions.
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    @Lucky-Loek I'm working on 3 concurrent rubyonrails projects for 2 different classes, writing a 3 page paper every week, interviews,

    And diagnosed anxiety disorders. I don't like talking about it, but it's my reality.
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    I agree with @nathanasius when I started at uni you were allowed to fail an exam two time and had to pass it at lest the third time. Now you have unlimited tries. Which in my opinnion is bullshit.
  • 1
    @Lythenas yeah that's not the case where I am. IF you get a second try, you don't get another.
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    The way I did it was I studied until I understood the problems given. Sometimes that meant doing way more work than assigned, but most of the time I understood the lesson well-before the project was near done.

    And then I paid others to finish the assignment for me.

    Finished with a 3.4 GPA doing 1/4th the work.

    The most important thing to remember is:

    Do you understand it well enough to implement it from scratch?

    If you don't then keep writing implementations and variations until you do.
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