Fuck Windows 10. Period.

An amateur shit-show of junk. If you have an i3 processor it will find a way to choke it to 80% with the bloody audiodg.exe.

I have an i7 and takes 25% CPU from Windows Graph Audio Isolation to play a YouTube video and 12-13 % when idle.

Junk spaghetti with some half-useless UI over the same settings that were available in much older Windows versions.

I hate having a decent 16 GB ram, 512 SSD and Radeon and so on laptop, for it to be disabled and abused by Windows and Chrome.

  • 5
    That's not normal at all but alrighty.
  • 1
    So, what's next? Uniform computers? Because that might actually be a good idea.
  • 1
    @irene thats just what can happen over the weeks or months using windows. Only possibility is to reinstall. I have to reinstall every 2 months because shit gets slow af. Like literally to the moment that task manager takes 10s to open. After reinstalling it opens instantly again.
  • 0
    I used Windows 10 since it came out for dev, work, school, university and design and it always idled at 0-1% on all machines.

    I call bullshit on your setup, autostart and/or not tweaked Group Policies (aka actual settings in Windows).

    And now don't be like yo linux is so gud winsux, gnome idles at around 30% all the time, the cpu gouverneurs are shit imo and linux is the definition von on-the-fly terminal fixes you fiddle out over 2 weeks instead of getting work done.
  • 2
    You call bullshit on whatever you want that audiodg.exe is broken for doing a basic thing like playing a bloody sound. Dug deep and manually found and reinstalled drivers and now it seems better, at 8% usage when playing an audiobook.

    Don't try to blame the user, I have ran through the settings. 8% of an i7 to play sound and windows wouldn't have it any other way.
  • 0
    Windows is only for IE Testing and games?
  • 1
    Windows and Chrome are both pretty bad.

    16 GB is not a lot of RAM. A handful of chrome tabs can eat that up and you start getting CPU pegging from swapping. It’s stupid.

    It’s been happening on my Linux box lately as well. I can’t react fast enough to stop chrome. All I hear is my fan going on max and all of a sudden, my system freezes.
  • 1
    I'm quite convinced that the audiodg.exe problem is only present on intel, on amd though the windows internal services eat up easily 10% cpu usage, pick your poison 😄
  • 1
    @irene Chrome somehow takes over my arch box >_> Happened twice this past month, and I'm not sure how to repro or debug it. Found nothing in the logs. Last action I remember is switching to my gmail tab and hearing my box go bitcoin mode.

    I did manage to run a top last time and take this photo before my system hung. Note: that's *one* tab taking 10.5 GB of memory.

    We could set cgroup limits to constrain chrome. But I kind of want this to keep on happening so I can get repro and see what's going on.
  • 0
    @irene you lucky bitch. I have to redownload my whole fucking steam library everytime. I hate it. Tell me how u do this magic
  • 0
    @theKarlisK ikr. All these windows store apps running in the background for no reason. Just cold boot and the photo, music, movies, xbox, edge are already uo and running.
  • 0
    @irene yeah that'd be a possible solution. Windows doesnt support ext though and cant mount my huge drives. So no chance. And dont tell me to use that piece of trash ext2fs
  • 1
    @b3b3 Please don't call my older sister @irene a bitch.

    I use ext2fs to use ext4 drives on windows. Works great.
  • 0
    @theKarlisK I had all my steam stuff on a huge ntfs drive. I formatted it as ntfs in windows. Worked great until I realized that I was not able to mount it under linux because microsoft silently used not just a ntfs part but they used they own propietary lvm thing or something
  • 0
    @toriyuno Apparently I'm too stupid to setup ext2fs then. I had my setup working with it like 3 years ago. But after 5hrs of frustration because it simply didn't want to work I gave up
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