Professor: You may use all the offline material on your computer while taking the exam

Me: Downloads 50 stack overflow and tutorials point pages as PDF just in case I get an error I can't solve or forget basic syntax

At least we don't have to do it on paper...

I hate the thought of getting stuck on something that would require 5 seconds of Googling to solve during an exam :/

  • 9
    Surely this is going to lead to five minutes of shuffling through paper every time you think you have something relevant on your print outs..
  • 4
  • 5
    @BashouT Oh no, I have them as files since we do take the exam on a laptop, so I can ctrl+F my way through :)
  • 7
    Download stackoverflow to local dB.
    It’s “offline” still right??

  • 2
    @alexbrooklyn ah that makes more sense :)
  • 2
    @irene It's a functional programming exam in Scala, I often confuse different List operators and don't want to get stuck when using +: and ++ etc. Luckily the exam focusses on functional programming concepts and not the language itself

    I don't think I'll necessarily need those pdf's though, but just in case :)
  • 1
    @irene so is faster for syntax check, in documentation I always end up reading different sections even after I find the answer.
  • 0
    Are you sure he didnt mean just the offline materials you got from the course?
  • 1
    Luckily, everything went fine and I think I did well :)
  • 0
    I think it was wget witch has an option that you download "count" subtrees from the given domain - I downloaded like the complete tree of Ubuntu Users
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