
Son of a fucking bitch I forgot to pay the fucking internet bill and now my connection is down until the fucking payment processes.

Fucking shit I can't do a damn thing without internet bruh.

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    @Jilano because I'll forget to transfer the money to the correct bank account and end up overdrafting. The fee for that is ridiculous.
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    @Jilano I used a lot of my data this weekend streaming basketball while I was out of the house 😭😭.

    I've got a class soon, so hopefully by the time I'm back the wait will be over.

    Otherwise, looks like I'll be going out on a Tuesday night lol
  • 1
    Don't your ISPs allow debts? I recall I once paid for two months: last one and the one before that, bcz I forgot to pay that older bill on time
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    @netikras Yea that's what happened.

    Except I guess I went too long without paying for the month I forgot.
  • 4
    how are you posting then
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    @toriyuno My phone?

    Plus I was on campus which has WiFi?
  • 4
    @Stuxnet you have internet then
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    @toriyuno Yea but it's a (very) finite amount of which I've already used the majority of.
  • 3
    @Stuxnet I couldn't make out that last statement. Could you send a video clip instead? 4k , uncompressed. Tell me about your day
  • 1
    Exactly why i pay a month early. Still doesn't work half the time fucking AT&T
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    @PerfectAsshole Well thank God i had it back whenever I got out of class.

    I'm usually a on top of paying it the moment it's available, but idk it slipped.
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    Do they cut it as soon as you forgot to pay? They wait more here.
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    @aviophile well I'm assuming it had been over a month because i had 2 months total on the charges.
  • 1

    Gotta opt out of that shit, every time.

    Sometimes they still enable it because the clerk that set up your new account gets a commission for getting you to say yes or some shit.

    Also manually paying means you're always paying attention where money is going and how much is due. Utilities have a habit of tacking on charges that don't belong. Gotta figure they're just calculating that most people won't notice, and the fines will be lower than the additional profit made.
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    @Wisecrack I did everything myself anyways.

    They were going to charge a $60 installation fee. And I was like "why the fuck though? I can do this shit by myself."
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    Phone support are almost always push overs.

    Just keep wasting their time on the end of the line, until you either break even on your own cost/time, or they give in.

    If it's someone you got before (who isn't putting out any more favors), just ask to be transferred and play phone-support-bingo until you get the new guy who 1. prone to giving in even more than regular support, and 2. doesn't know what hes allowed and not allowed to get away with.
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