
So, Bing has an in-search code runner.
//Just leaving this here
//YesGoogleIsBetter 70%OfTheTimes

  • 4
    You mean Bing has a code runner in the States. I've been wanting to try it out for ages... It sucks to be a coder in Spain 😑
  • 1
    @Kaylebor same thing, I saw it in the news quite a while back on the Next Web but no luck for me here in Belgium (maybe I could try a VPN but I'm too lazy to do so cause I mean, I don't necessarily need it :P)
  • 1
    Although I dislike bing, its pretty cool
  • 2
    @Kaylebor que hay compañero hehehe
  • 2
    @tass familiarizándome con el lugar, parece entretenido 😜
  • 0
    Aww, does it work in Canada?
  • 2
    open bing using bing.com/?cc=us and use it in your country too ;-)
  • 0
    @ToTheMax oh, cool. I'll have to try that out
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