
Css was developed by monkeys. I fucking hate how there is no organisation, laying out stuff requires too much work, there are billions of ways to do something. Aligning things in css actually has a web page dedicated to that, seriously, what the fuck????? I love doing backend and creating rest apis but for the love of god i cant stand css and front end in general🤦🤦🤦

  • 8
    Wait until you try images to be responsive without layout reflow during page load. Yeah and CSS of course means "Centering Sucks Sometimes". ;-)

    Oh, and welcome to devRant!
  • 1
    The one thing web I can't fully defend.

    I abhor css. Welcome to devrant!
  • 4
    You think css is hard.
    You must have missed the days of every browser doing they're own thing.

    - IE had its standards and shit per version
    -Chrome had another way of doing things and mixed it up every few versions
    - Firefox decided it was the right way and paved its own rules
    - Safari tried to implement their own standards
    - Opera just ignored everything and anything

    Early responsive design wasn't just screen size issues, it was also browser issues.
    It was almost easier to write screen and browser style sheets and all this without CSS3.

    Now it's a lot simpler to do almost anything, centering is as easy as knowing how the box model actually works.
  • 7
    i mean, people complaining about css in 2019... I kinda drop the line there

    pre flexbox aligning and sizing things was a bitch, agree. I can say that because I had to deal with that personally

    but it's 2019.

    just use a flexbox based css lib like bulma and be happy.

    most of the time you don't even deal with flexbox manually.

    old ie is dying quickly, and people are trying less to support it.

    like @C0D4 said, browsers chilled the fuck up quite a bit regarding them doing things their own way

    everytime someone bitches about frontend development, surprise, they are not front end developers.

    I'm not saying I think css is perfect though, not at all.

    welcome to devrant tho
  • 1
    I'm not going to talk about the other things you pointed out, but trust me, they are not issues for me.

    I think it's a matter of using the right libs that take of everything out of the box (web frameworks *ehem*)

    Is it hard? Yes, think about all the websites you ever seen. Think of the variety, think of the fact that you can create pretty much anything you can imagine with html/css.

    You reach to the conclusion that this thing is pretty powerful, but it requires training too.

    i rather use existent technologies than perfect but non existent.

    also compare it to previous technologies like flash... just the thought of flash makes me want to destroy earth

    with bulma, I kid you not, the projects I do require MINIMAL css, even waaaaay less than bootstrap.
  • 2
    I came here to say what @C0D4 and @erandria said.

    I used to know all of the css resets and most of the hacks by heart. You know, the ones to selectively apply certain rules to specific browsers based on their individual css parsing quirks. Now everything is almost pointlessly easy by comparison.
  • 0
    Welcome to devRant!
  • 0
    Someone hasn't tried SCSS
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