Do you sometimes have days at work where you feel completely useless for the company. Like you can't get anything done, and you try but it doesn't work. I just want another task that I have knowledge about. Should I just straight up tell this to my mentor that I want to do something I have knowledge about? I feel really stuck

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    What’s the difference between the task you’re currently in and the one you want? You might sound like not up to challenges if you’re still new there, no offense
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    @rutee07 @devTea So I got into the internship company with webdevelopment experience. The tasks I got are with are c# and creating WPF apps. I find it really difficult to wrap my head around certain concepts because I never used it before. When I tell my mentor that he is really suprised and I always bullshit my way out. He said that after the WPF app is finished I get to work on a website. But I really struggle to finish the app. That is why I was also wondering. How can I ask him in a polite way that I would like to abandon the WPF app (for a short time) and that I want to work on the website. Because that is what I'm good at. It really get's into your mind if you have to do something all day you don't like and are not good at. Sorry for the long post, I hope you kinda understand my problem.
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    @thatguyatwork I understand your condition, I also hate the old stinking stack my company used, but I still worked on it and keeps on persuading them to change, slowly but surely. It will look and sound better to them once you finished the task and tell them that you prefer webapps, instead of running away, btw a quote to keep your spirit up
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    @devTea Thank you! I will try my best. It's just hard now but I know I'm learning a lot.
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    @thatguyatwork good luck 👍 and remember to take a break when you’re stuck, you most likely to find the solution when you’re taking a rest instead ofkeep banging on the problem
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    Yes. Your aren't learning and growing if you don't find yourself in that place. It's what makes us stronger, and better at what we do. Ask for help; don't bail.
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    @devTea Is it also common at your company that you are the only one who stands up after an hour? Im in a room with 3 other guys and they sit on their chair for like 8 hours straight even during lunch break. When I stand up I feel awkward haha.
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    @thatguyatwork I stand up and go for a walk during lunch and commute, that 4 hours in between, lol definitely better if you stand up once in a while
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    @devTea Yea don't understand how they can sit so long. Rip their backs
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    You have to challenge yourself or life will challenge you. Just learn on the job and ask for help if you are stuck.
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