Mention one example of over engineered and overcomplicate framework ?

I start : Angularjs

  • 6
    - Classic ASP.Net
    - Sharepoint

    If I’m allowed to rant:
    - Someone who believes that every transaction must be through stored procedure
    - Remote Desktop for development is “Good Idea”
  • 6
    All of them.
    They all try to solve underlying problems with the language at hand but introduce their own issues in doing so.
  • 1
    @norman70688 is it a framework?
  • 0
    @funnyfunfuck well it’s a technology to help devs
  • 1
    @norman70688 People use it as a framework and then complains better to understand first what is it.
  • 1
    @funnyfunfuck Oh you made a new account I see.
  • 1
    @Froot not really.
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