Why is the prettus repository package shit at handling mass inserts. The documentation says:


WTF does that even mean.

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    Make sure that you have $fillable property in model that your repository inherits

    that is the first the comes in my mind, can you describe you problem further?

    i think if you didn't override create() method in your repository or model it will do the same as eloquents create()

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    I’ve got the field that’s retiring out in the table, but the error coming back is coming back as “join_id does not have a default value” but going through the array of rows to insert, it’s got a value assigned to it.

    I’ve not overwritten the create method, but going through the model works. I don’t want to do that as it’s bypassing the cache
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    damn, that is inconsistent, you can try with laravel telescope, and see exact query that is going on, see if you have "join_id" in insert query...
    you were right, if Model::create(Input::all()) works but this doesn't it's definitively problem with packages mass assignment
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