Who else enjoys playing Chess or other board games?

  • 6
    Board games, tabletop roleplaying games, video games, all sorts of games.

    Gen Con is August 1st. It will be my 11th year going.
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    Install chess.com App.
    It's amazing.
    Search for AseedUsmani. Add me as a friend there.
  • 3
    I'm getting excited about the new edition of Shadowrun. I always get excited about a new edition of Shadowrun.
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    I dont like chess but I love tabletop games
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    Major chess player here :) went to many tournaments where I was younger...didn't win or score really high(normally top 10 on the lower tier side) but boy I sure had a blast with it :D i also play lots of other board games. Currently sticking to yugioh, magic and dice masters(my favorite) and i would definitely recommend people getting into it, its fun and challenging :D
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    Chess and Backgammon are about the only games I play these days.
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    I do enjoy playing chode games
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    Who doesn't like it? I think everyone likes board games. If some of them may seem complicated, you should just try the games easier, for beginners, here https://diceygoblin.com/essential-b... is a cool list of such
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