
Just some free knowledge that I'd like to pass around:
I wanted to free up some space in my MacBook. I checked out different methods.
Here are some methods that helped:
- Go to ~/Library/Caches and try to clean shit up.
- If you have Homebrew, (if you don't, just quit dev already) run `brew cleanup` -- only for people with Macs.
- There's this app called Omnidisksweeper. Check that out.
- Also, indexing Spotlight is something I've heard of but never tried.

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    @M1sf3t Saving time machine backup on same harddisk as the OS?
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    @M1sf3t hahaha I like how Apple tries to make it simple but that means less flexibility and control, for an average user, that's perfect, for us, that's a no for sure
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    @M1sf3t hidden gems lol, HDD almost full, but you have no files on it that's a fun hide and seek game
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