
Procrastination is not a bad thing as opposed to how society describes it. It's where ideas and new strategies are invented. Of course if you procrastinate all day then it may be an issue of not getting things done, but fighting it all the time does not help.

The mind is trying to tell you something, let it flow.

  • 2
    I agree that spending time thinking or just resting might be good. But I disagree that "your mind is telling you something, let it flow" is a good approach. Greatness is achieved by being strict and not only being creative
  • 2
    There are times when to procrastinate and when not. Sometimes instead of reinventing a wheel to cool way you just need to sit down and focus on the boilerplate code that needs to get written. Other times tho yeah, I definitely know the feeling where procrastinating led me to a creative solution to a difficult problem :shrug: its a case by case thing tho
  • 1
    Thanks for including the other side as well because i was just boiling to yell: "It fucking depends".
  • 1
    @Gregozor2121 There is always two sides of a coin 😁
  • 1
    It fucking depends.
  • 1
    @Gregozor2121 Everything depends.
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