naked developer day:
Today I'll work from home, sitting completely naked in front of my mac. Only keyboard, mac and me.

It's a huge saving in clothes and energy to clean them

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    @irene it is on my sofa, with nice and soft blanket on it. I can as well stay in my bed though
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    Pray no one will surprisingly enter the house.
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    @Frederick great idea. Let's meet in a public place naked with our laptops. We want to show that we make modern society possible. There is nothing between us an computers. We are not a mere obstacle to business people. We run things.

    hmm, it would be the "naked running developer day then". maybe more difficult to run with a laptop hmmm
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    @irene true. Shit, Amazon delivery just now ringing the bell
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    This man living in 3019
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    That'll be cool until it's time for a meeting.
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    @leksyib ahahahahaha
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    @irene How does that matters?
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    @leksyib specially when there is a beautiful lady on the other side practicing the same idea.

    (No gender bias here go away <gender>nazis)
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    @irene I guess the delivery guy won't ding-dong at anyone's house after seeing a ding dong as a response of ding-dong

    I see myself out
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    @norman70688 nope

    Can't he see anyone? It's on the other person that what he/she has wore (not wore in this case)

    He's just seeing something what is visible to others and got a bit aroused.

    Shall this be taken into condition of harassment? I guess not. Do correct me with a law which has such definition
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    @irene no, actually the delivery boy showed my the usb dongle I bought
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    @irene I like the way u think. [the famous black sofa]
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    Naked coding - I may press space with the breast, tho. LoL.

    I wonder, how much energy would be needed for the heating then. This might be more than with saving by not using clothes.
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    @shiv7071007 Andy Warhol's was red
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    @Kruzifix depend on the place you're living in...
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    Just make sure you don't accidentally video call any clients.
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    @AlmondSauce I have t-shirt close by, just in case
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    So you're practising an extreme version of "the lean startup"
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    But then you have to clean the upholstery.
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    Lesson: if you go to a developer's place who you know works from home, try to avoid sitting on anything comfortable.
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    @exceptionalGuy like you know what other "regular" people are doing on their sofa....:-D
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    @irene well, not necessarily bad if you use the "potato chip hand"
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