Writing Redux makes me feel like I’m a real programmer...
A toggle button includes more than 50 lines of boilerplates, across 7 files.
It’s amazing πŸ€”

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    It’s painful, just thinking about the boiler plate already scares me
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    Try easy-peazy. Way less boilerplate and you still can use the redux devtools. Also works with typescript.

    Also think really hard if you need redux. Its great since it scales very well but often times its overkill
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    @musician used to like typescript a lot, but I try to apply redux server rendering technique, things went sour quickly.
    The express server code need to import the app from React project.
    So many moving parts... πŸ˜–I don’t even know who compiles who and what transform to what

    I kill giants 🀦‍♂️
    giant toggle button
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    Redux is a tradeoff: complexity for verbosity.
    If you don't have any complexity to begin with, you're simply not using the right tool.
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    @Commodore I’m not begin with... I’ve been working on React related projects full time in the past 2.5 years. But every time starting a new project is still a headache for me🀦‍♂️
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    @sunfishcc I think @Commodore meant the complexity of your React app. As everyone else has said, redux is good but it can be overkill for low/medium complexity apps and can increase overall design complexity and development time. Not all apps will benefit with the use of redux. It's the same tradeoff with using something like mobx. They need to be used in the right context to have any benefit.
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    I've used redux before and it felt like most of the time was spent developing the redux boilerplate code to dispatch small functions.
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