
pronounce GUI as "gooey" one more fucking time

  • 25
    Pronounce SQL as, "sequel" to get me started.
  • 6
    Pet peeve of mine as well. Both items mentioned
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    Post this one mord time 🀣🀣
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    Gờ u i.
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    ok, sounds goofy as fuck, sure, what's the alternative?
  • 7
    "Gooey" and "Sequel" have made me turn off so damn many videos it's not funny. Figure if they can't say it right they obviously don't know shit about it in the first place
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  • 19
    I've got some bad news...
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    @AleCx04 @mundo03 I immediately read “güey” πŸ˜‚
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    @ElizadeathRaven that is what it says
  • 9
    Theres a special place in my torture chambers for people who pronounce png as "ping" and gif as "jif" πŸ“πŸ˜‘β›“
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    and UI is sound like "Oooowy!" here :v
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    That's how I say itπŸ˜‚ Is this a U.K thing. However you can spot the Qt newbies when they say Q T and not cute as it's supposed to be.
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    @Root or git as "jit"
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    there are worse things to worry about imo
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    If giraffe is jiraffe, then git is jit and gif is jif.

    Just trolling. But the thing with pronouncing tech terminology is that there are often great logical and historical arguments for both sides.

    SQL used to be called Sequel in the 70s. Gif is based on graphics, but the inventor said jif.

    Best course of action is to giggle (jiggle) and move on to more important issues, like indenting with 3 spaces.
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    I say Gooey, sorry but it is as correct as G-U-I
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    I say its Joey
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    So, you want people to work on their gee-you-ay, with their ess-queue-el backend?
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    I feel odd when someone pronounces Qt as "cute".
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    @Nanos It's funny how those pronunciation videos never have any etymology or source, explaining why it's pronounced that way.

    [citation needed]
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    @JFK422 I say cutie 😊
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    gooey... it just sounds like cum, yuck...
  • 4

    The python bindings are called PyQt, but I call it QtPy 😊
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    Incidentally, most GUIs have this sticky gaggy bittersweet aftertaste that kind of gets stuck while sliding down your throat. You think really you want a GUI, but you can't help but flinch when it's thrown in your face.

    Personally, I'm all about the Command Line Interface Terminal these days, I just prefer playing with the CLIT instead of forcefully swallowing that thick GUI stuff.
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    Well the clit can be more complex, sometimes it takes a bit longer to get satisfying results, but it's worth it.
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    @ElizadeathRaven i do the same when I read that word or hear someone saying itπŸ˜‚
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    (he's judging you)
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