
Argh!!!! I'm too dumb to compare two spreadsheets. I want to know which of the 2000 employees left or joined the company since last year. But the employee spreadsheet db export is not in the same order as the last years. Is there any bash shell magic or something else than excel that could help me?

  • 9
    Just ask each one of the 2000 employees.
  • 2
    @Mc-Lovin ๐Ÿ˜„ haha yeah there are some data scientist on that list but i don't dare to ask them for something supposedly "simple" like this.
  • 1
    @irene i can draw a line in python turtle do you think that will help? ๐Ÿ˜†
  • 1
    @irene Nope l'm a sad pixel pusher muggel
  • 4
    1) export them as csv
    2) pip install pandas

    rec0 = pandas.read_csv('file0').col_name

    rec1 = pandas.read_csv('file1').col_name

    for i in rec0:
    if i not in rec1:
  • 2
    (probably messed up something, im on my phone)
  • 1
    @ganjaman cool thank you!
  • 2
    Ctrl/Cmd-a, Ctrl/cmd-c

    Open a terminal, paste the clipboard buffer into a new text file. Save and exit the editor.

    grep "<date format>" filename

    Spreadsheets massively cock up data processing, imo.
  • 2
    Use 2 for loops and it should be done in less than a second.
  • 1
    You can use any programming language that can read the data first and start from there
  • 2
    Daten > Filter > Autofilter
  • 1
    @ganjaman hey! Pandas with jupyter notebooks is fun and useful. Thank you for showing me that.
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