
When you realize your professor who programs since the 486 era names all variables as such ad "vd_gr" (Validation date grant renewal), doesn't know what encapsulation is and writes his own cryptography algs, which basically replace one letter by another


**then I still I have to tolerate all the critics for why I dropped college

  • 5
    That hardly seems like justification to wholesale drop out...
  • 0
    @codeclod yeah, I know. That alone would hardly be a problem. I had other problems too, i.e my current job+the classes werent allowing me to get any sleep.

    Anyways, the whole institution is crop from the bottom to the top. I felt ridiculous there.

    But I have to agree It's sad that I dropped though :(
  • 4
    Academics will always be behind the industry. Especially one that moves as fast as ours
  • 0
    @xroad oh, never saw it through that prisma. Now it kinda clicked into my brain that I shouldn't be expecting them to know that.

    Anyways, I'm getting a couple of things fixed, so I can go back to a better uni.
  • 1
    @ezbie good luck man!
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