Saw this earlier today... 😂😂😂

  • 11
    Hi someone I use to know,
    I see your writing books now.
  • 11
    Let me get my machete
  • 3
    What the actual fuck
  • 1
    They just show the beginner stage ;)
  • 3
    It's not the beginner stage, this is 0 abstraction. Kindergarten kids are capable of understanding 1 level of abstraction. And the PHP 5.6 updates ended on 2018-12-31, it was the last version to support `mysql` extension. Teaching it now is like teaching web design 101 using Internet Explorer on Windows 98. Second Edition.
  • 1
    So “wrong” on so many levels. 😂
  • 1
    Please don’t learn MySQL
  • 1
    @gaffletron Tell that to all the courses teaching MySQL PHP5 stack.
  • 1
    @theuser I hope you are joking... no one should be learning php 5 anymore
  • 1
    @gaffletron You want them to get that shock when they finally get their dream job coding position and find out they'll be maintaining old codebase from before PHP 7? Oh, they should be learning. Just the correct way. The `mysql` extension was already deprecated when PHP 5.5 was out.
  • 4
    bootcamp be like
  • 2
    @cprn thats not a dream job... 😂
  • 2
    Foreach for is for losser XD
  • 1
    Damn hustling like a tru html hacker xD
  • 2
    Just drunk my after work beer. For a short moment I was really concerned about my vision. But fuck, it is actually true.
  • 2
    @cprn i know you are right... it just sucks. You can't even get any supported packages for php 5.4 anymore, but you still gotta learn 5.3 if you wanna get that first php job
  • 0
    What is this abomination??????
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