
I promised myself not to fuck too much with new JS frontends. But Sveltes premise seems interesting enough to check it out and the concept of reactive blocks of code in JS sure is interesting.

This language keeps evolving as well as its tooling. I think shit is pretty amazing.

  • 1
    Wow how surprising, an unnecessary js library, havent seen many of those
  • 1
    @M1sf3t state management in large applications will continue to spawn these frameworks man. The ideas are good, i just wish the ecosystem wasn't as fragmented.
  • 3
    @ganjaman just like when someone talks shit about java and you hate it and shit on them you do it about js, noticed that? :P
  • 2
    @AleCx04 my core being is just shitting on people
  • 2
    Ah shit, here we go again
  • 1
    It looks promising but without typescript support its a no for me
  • 3
    @M1sf3t @musician they are already working on it :D Typescript support is super important for these projects since much of what they want to do with Js will be based out of Typescript features :D
  • 2
    @M1sf3t *hands over the good stuff*
  • 2
    Wow 😯
    This actually looks like something I could get excited about - yes I js
    , no I don't care for react/angular
  • 2
    @C0D4 it has got some really good ideas man. The way in which they handle computed properties is really cool.
  • 1
    @M1sf3t you good man, you basically want to know how to deploy a snapper build.

    To start off, it is on early stages of development so I would not suggest it, specially since it aims to be a Next.js type of framework, I would give it some time fore some major changes mess up your build. Pure Svelte would be the sanest choice here.

    Second, if the build model is the same as the react/vue/angular/etc once you compile the application you would just import the created code(js files etc) into your static server(or wherever you would place them files)

    I hope I got close to what you wanted.
  • 0
    @M1sf3t i ser what you mean, it is the entire build process and deployment what's tripping you out. Lemme see if i can write you a longer explanation with more details as soon as I get home my dude :D
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    You are pretty much overthinking it my man. This might be the reason why:

    When I was starting up with the idea of building up React or Angular applications(I started with Backbone and Angular way back) I could not properly understand what the point of them where when I could just use server side rendering, but the thing is, my applications were not exactly API based applications, I thought that one could pretty much just pass in information to the view and just used Angular to place that shit in the screen. Fetching JSON from a restful api was way foreign to me since I had been working with Classic ASP and PHP as well as JSP for the longest time. The point of NPM in this case is to build up an entire network of resources that your application might use and at the end of the compilation step bundle everything up in a way that your frontend will be able to use it, that is basically the only purpose of NPM in regards to your Javascript built frontend
  • 0
    @M1sf3t Take props for example, in the most basic form of it from the docs, it is just data that you are passing over to your component from another, the way in which you would add data to that property initially would be from a fetch made to the REST endpoint, is this what you meant?
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