Fucking pigeons and birds in general. They all don't want to move their asses when I drive lol.
Do they all want me to squeeze the shit out of them?!
Wtf is wrong with them?
I'm waiting for them to slowly pass by my car, but others would maybe not show the same patience.

  • 3
    I think that most don't want to damage or clean their car from dead flesh and feathers so it might not matter if they give 0 fucks about birds. Birds learn that car is not a danger and there you have it.
  • 2
    Apparently birds can process images over a much shorter time than we can. They can probably clearly see individual frames in a TV screen for example. This is why they always seem to wait until the very last possible moment before flying out of the way, to them the car is still ages away.
  • 2
    @nibor I've never looked at it that way. Thanks.
    Next time I will just continue driving then
  • 0
    Well in general birds are descendents of dinosaurs. So maybe they are thinking they will crush you instead.
  • 0

    IDK, man. I hate it when pigeons do that to me too, but I've never killed one. I don't know if I want to cross that line.


    >But it does 2 gallons per mile..

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