
CSS and HTML are the worst!!!!

  • 7
    Maybe if you don't know what to do, then ya lol

    Welcome to dR
  • 2
    Oh boy, here we go again.

    Could be worse, could be vbscript In IE5-6, but sure these are bad too if you don't know what you're doing.

    Actually they can be bad when you do know what you're doing and the browsers decide to go "yea, fuck that"
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    @netikras smh you know that we don't provide reasons here on dR.

    It's just "x bad reee" lol
  • 1
    @Stuxnet fair point.
  • 0
    Why do you think so?
  • 1
    0 upvotes, fascinating <3
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    Then use LESS and pug lol
  • 4
    If CSS and HTML are the worst for you right now then you are in for a lot of pain as you descend deeper into Hell.
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    Multiple exclamation marks are even worse - and a sure sign of a diseased mind, as Pratchett wrote.
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    @Fast-Nop I'd not heard that quote before, but I like it.
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    It's matter of few days/weeks - to handle it, imo

    HTML/CSS are boring as hell, mb this is the point of this rant
  • 1
    Omg I did not expect so much response. I guess, because i'm an inexperienced developer, I often get distracted by CSS by fixating on small details instead of focusing on the big picture. Also, they are boring as hell.
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    @netikras Lol I was just ranting out of frustration. I posted a comment on the bottom. I'm new to DR so I really did not expect so many people commenting my rant
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