What's with all this micro-certification nonsense that seems to plague the industry? Does anyone actually give a shit that I may have passed some vendor's five day bootcamp?

Apparently I can now have a trophy (virtual, of course) if I complete X online MS courses.

Some of these courses seem to focus on stuff that has no use in day-to-day work.

And I have to actually pay because I learned your product and then pay to maintain the cert in some cases. WTF?!

I can see why the vendors do it---I like free money too---but why have we even let this become a thing.

It's like collecting baseball cards.

I despair of what our industry has become...I really do.

  • 2
    It’s probably some humanist school teachers conspiracy.
  • 7
    Because they want money and what better way then to make money long term then having a recurring bill for you to maintain you know their stuff.... looking at you Salesforce 😏

    Mind you I'm not certified, micro-certified or even washed my hands with a certification so skew the system.
  • 3
    Around these parts a certification helps you get past the dumbfucks who work in recruiting and HR. The cert cost me around a 100 USD to take. I learnt a lot along the way. And now I can breeze my way through HR.
  • 2
    It is another marketing gimmick

    It has a side benefit that you get to learn something if you intend to learn
  • 6
    @C0D4 I'm tempted to take one and use it as toilet paper so that I can literally say that "I wipe my arse with them."

    As they probably just email them to you I'll be able to print them on soft paper, so it won't even hurt.
  • 1
    @platypus great product idea.
  • 1
    Ignoring the obvious negative that they want to exploit people for money which is definitely their primary driver.

    The positive is that mini rewards are addictive. Eg Trophies on PlayStation or Achievements on XBox. By offering such rewards people are encouraged to keep learning.
  • 0
    @M1sf3t agreed.
  • 0
    @Nanos Good point. In most cases I think it's just big companies paying for their staff to take a few days out and the the company pays. Pointless, but meh.

    However, by making it sound like the key to jobs and a career, they can lead people astray---which is much more insidious. Limited time and resources get invested inappropriately.
  • 1
    They use this as filter for hiring, but those certifications is the most not valuable ones.

    Some certifications still serious like PEP, ZCPE and etc, but of course because this one's is more harder for you get it.
  • 0
    @Nanos Probably the best way.
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