My phone just died. Got a new phone on recommendation of friends and flash Jolla on it. The OS is super nice but the "Android support" doesnt work. No lastpass, no netflix, no prime, signal works half, no banking app.

I really need my windows phone back. It just worked without issues. After two android phones and now a Jolla in about two years im kinda done with all this shit.

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    @dudeking its supported by both the devs and the manufacturer. If friends then also recommend it then I thought it was safe to assume things would work.
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    @Codex404 then go back tobyour windows phone. And stop trusting your friends advice...
    Also - magisk the problem away.
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    @magicMirror i dont have a windows phone anymore it is broken.

    And whats magisk?
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    Get an iPhone my dude
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    @grumpyoldaf when they are not as expensive I might, I am dutch after all.
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    Phone recommendations:

    Stock Android with updates for some years: Nokia 6.1 (starts at 200$)

    New but not latest iPhone (starts at 300$)
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    @lastNick I want to stay far away from google.
    iPhone price itself isnt so bad, its the development tools that are way to much.
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    @Codex404 you wouldn’t regret it. I have an iPhone 7 I got for about 500 USD. Best investment I have ever made.
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    @Codex404 Dev tools for iOS are free. The 99$/year fee is only needed to submit apps to the App Store.
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    @lastNick and an apple computer
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    @Codex404 You will need a computer anyways. Considering usability, durability and resale value an iMac is good deal.
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    @Codex404 magisk is a very magical thing.
    makes apps think you are not rooted, so banks/streaming can work on your random chinese crap device that came prerooted....
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    @magicMirror you have no idea what you are talking about, Jolla isnt android, didnt come preloaded and was Japanese.
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    @Codex404 🧐 ... TIL. I thought it was an android distro from prevoius messages.
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