I just got accepted to the best CS university in a country !!

Wish me luck ^-^

  • 6
    Also "CS universities are all bs just learn programming yourself" fuck off.

    I know these things and I genuinely think that CS universities are the most useless (for example compared to laws, medicine etc.) but that doesn't make them useless and I know very well why I went to one
  • 5
    In most cases you will need to learn irrelevant subjects, outdated systems and some courses are not even applicable in real life. I remember what one of my professors told us when I was in college
    “Computer Science evolve so fast that by the time a book gets its way into the college is already outdated. I will teach you how to approach a problem and where to find resources rather than teach you by the book”

    That being said you might still find places where companies are looking for a degree instead of expensive and capabilities. In my career I was only asked once to provide a degree in order to apply for a job.
  • 2
    @PappyHans The professor had nice attitude. And yeah, degrees aren't quite useful in CS branch, that's why many consider Uni useless. For me it's not about degree tho
  • 1
    @PappyHans That's basically been my experience so far. We started programming with a teacher who types with his middlefingers, can't seem to navigate a computer that well, doesn't know what reference types are, and so on. We had about patterns with another teacher who told us what they were (by repeating what it says on dofactory) and then when it came to how to use them and such we bascially just got a repeat of what those things were. Oh and that didn't happen once. Three times we have had about patterns and three times we haven't really gotten anything practical. We had another teacher that did the same but with other things like SOLID, microservices, unit testing, etc. (Here's a few automated tests for my method that adds two numbers which doesn't really show how you use it in your application since you don't write addition methods). Oh and we had a teacher who basically didn't know half of what he was talking about, but claimed it was "edu-scrum" lmao
  • 2
    You are just starting the uni and already dev-ranting?
    A bright ranting career expects you!

    Congratulation, though :-)
  • 0
    Well I can think of a number of books that are still relevant today:
    1 - Stephen Boyd, Convex Optimization
    2 - Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach by Hennessey and Petterson
    3 - Introduction to algorithms by cormen and leiserson
    (just a couple of the top of my head)
    But yea, some teachers really are shit, some are really good. But most people prefer to take "easy" courses and pass with good grades rather than take the harder ones and struggle. Meh, I'm currently getting fucked in my courses but at least I feel like I'm learning
  • 1
    @deviloper Thanks!
    @Mosesrocks If you "just wanna pass" then don't do college I'd say
  • 0
    @shinobiultra in my country for example, most people don't even know why they are going to college, they just think that's what you're supposed to do when you graduate from school.

    But a degree can get you a long way even if some people don't believe in it.
  • 0
    Agree and this is why I said in most cases. There is an exceptions of course but majority of subjects and books are outdated.
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    @PappyHans yea, haha reminds me of the c/c++ course I had to take in college, was fucking horrible
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    Haha right. C is a good way of learning programming, but we just invented garbage collection/ARC plus OOP and all that good stuff
  • 2
    @shinobiultra degrees are highly important in a CS branch man and don't let people tell you otherwise!

    Ain't gonna get that security clearance lab job without a degree. Guaranteed.

    You are a smart dude man, you will do amazing. Let us know more about how everything goes!
  • 0
    @Mosesrocks especially Cormen is a classic
  • 0
    @AleCx04 Sorry for late answer but hey, thank you so much. You've supported me so much even tho I'm not really that active lately and I'm really thankful for that. Thank you man
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