
2nd round of the interview, we talked kinda a lot, but I don’t know if I answer well to the question

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    What were the questions and the answers you provided?
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    @irene @delegate212 HR question, like “What could you bring to the company?” etc
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    @devTea and what is it you could bring to the company? HR style questions are bullshit anyway. Did you answer the technical questions fine?
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    @delegate212 the technical question has passed on the first round. It was okay, but I didn’t expect a XOR operator solution to swithc between 2 variables without the 3rd variable. My answer was normal math operator.
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    HR questions - they're pointless just the same canned answers from which the interviewer gains absolutely nothing.

    It annoys me, and I refuse to give canned responses. The below quotes are from the interview for the company I currently work at.

    Interviewer: "Why do you want to work at x?"

    Me: "Because you pay well, based close to my residence and I need a job. I can give you some canned answer if you'd like, but that's the reality."
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    @devTea about that, you could also do this:
    a = (b = a + b) - a
    b = b - a
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    What interview? Hook me up to the story.
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    @OmerFlame it’s on my past rant
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