Spotify for beginners: Do not jump back to the previous song, do not skip more than six songs per hour, switch to private at every start, do not take a look at the songs in your current playlist, get ready being spammed with premium "offers" (unlock user experience for cash) and enjoy the shitty user experience. But hey, atleast the user interface is beautiful.

Spotify is like "Insta-Babes". "Beautiful" but trash.

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    @SanitizedOutput "okay" is the keyword. The UX is still pretty much confusing for a lot of people. The unlocking of navigation like skipping is a total no-go and wouldn't work if they wouldn't have hard deals with the labels, and they know that, that's why they can do whatever the F they want. Their strategy is to annoy new users so hard they throw their money at spotify, or not.

    Imagine having a door but you have to pull it open with your fingers, except if you pay for it, then you are allowed to use the doorknob.

    But even Spotify Premium is a UX catastrophy.
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    @RocketSurgeon I am using music on my phone, so I can walk around the office without disturbing anyone ;) But that makes sense of course :P
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    Or just install the modded app and get premium "for free" 💫
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    One can still support Spotify (and artists) reap the benefits of the modded version.
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    @markie-tee if you wanna support artists go see theirs show and buy their cds/merch.
    You dont really support us if you listen to us on spotify;)
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