38°C, sunday afternoon, client be like: "Omg, I need you, it's important, can you call me?"

*calls client*

"So I got this E-Mail that said my SEO could be improved alot, why didn't you do that"

*looks at auto generated spam mail, hangs up*

  • 8
    @-red "Hey, my website is down" or "somehow I get 200 emails per minute". That's what I hope for, if some client calls me on my sundays :D But as usual, it's just this. :(
  • 5
    @rutee07 Sadly not. This happens quite often when the "boss" calls you instead of your technical contact person. *insert exhausted emoji*
  • 2
    Frustrating and funny at the same time
  • 1
    @nanl Welcome to my world. It's all just a huuuge joke :)
  • 1
    Why client are so fucking dummm :(
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