My friend dropped her phone and it doesn't turn on anymore, but she has a dual-SIM spare phone. So the problem didn't seem too bad at first. I told her I'd help her with the backup restoration, set everything up on her new (old) phone.
After 30mins of trying to restore the backup from her old phone and moving the SIM card to the new phone...

"But I didn't have a backup and the SIM card tray isn't working. Can you also help me recover my 10 000 pictures and songs?"

I guess I'm done here

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    You are done and your “friend” can start from scratch.
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    @lastNick we're still friends :D, and she also studies CS, I was just expecting more...knowledge

    @Haxk20 she doesn't want to open the case, so she'll just send it to her phone manufacturer and see
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    IPhones back up all your shit to cloud, so if you lose your phone you can wipe it remotely and then just chuck all your stuff back on a new phone. dead simple, dead straightforward, no fucking about. There must be a similar scenario for android surely?
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    Why do people have 1000s of photos ? Just why?
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    @helloworld there are people who don't want to backup to the cloud. For privacy or for convenience reasons.
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    Buy phone cases, people!
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    Ask if she had dirty pictures on it. On an entirely unrelated note, many guys from here will gladly fix it for her.
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