
Hey guys.
I just released a demo for this game-sort-of-thing I'm working on. Would love to know your opinions/criticism.


Playable on any device.

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    You should be careful about "any". I doubt it runs on my Nintendo DSi lmao
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    I'm missing any indication if the game loads at all, I just looked a minute on that screen on Firefox Mobile (Preview), FF Desktop and Chrome...
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    @cellv it's cool, it's got a great back story... But everything else is, well, missing... And yea... It seems like it would be cool but I can't quite say much yet...
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    @sbiewald Oh. The "what lies beyond" acts as the play button. Should there be a more obvious indication?
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    @kescherRant If you could somehow get it to install a relatively modern browser it probably would work.
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    @chabad360 Yeah. It was a demo to see if the concept would pull off. I hope I could make it more interesting in the future haha.
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    It's kinda like The Uncle who Worked for Nintendo or This Book is a Dungeon... quite nice.
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    @cellv @kescherRant The DSi has Opera on it, as all newer Nintendo consoles seem to. The DS version (the one with the GBA RAM expander packed in) has 4MB LESS RAM (total, base system has 4MB onboard while the expander has 8MB) than the DSi's already disappointingly small 16MB (yes, MEGAbytes) of RAM, so it'd be hard-pressed to load any website that wasn't built for 640k DOS machines on dial-up. This, however, MIGHT run, since it looks like mainly text? IDK what's going on behind the scenes, but... looks like it might be runnable on one?
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    @Parzi Oh nice. It is mainly just text. And there's not much JS running all the time afaik. (I don't exactly know how Twine/Harlowe works.)
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    It doesn't run on my toaster that runs Java.
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    EDIT: It runs on anything that has a relatively modern browser.
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    @cellv And supports JavaScript. Lynx is also modern - for a text-based browser -, but doesn't support JS (or images by the way). ;)

    Jokes aside, found it good to read / play, but I found it a bit sad, that every choice lead to the mostly same ending.
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    @sbiewald Thank you. Well, I'm planning on multiple endings / branching stories for the real thing. And yes, the tone should get a bit happier. There's too much me in it haha.
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    @cellv everything ok?
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    @cellv In don't find the game in generally too sad - I mean its a game about afterlife, this includes death.
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    @chabad360 Ahah yeah. Thanks. I'm just a sad person by default.
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    @cellv I used to be more like that...

    One tip I got was to -at a set time each day- just smile, that was it. It can be at any time of day, but make it the same time each day, so you'll remember to do it.

    I could go on and on about the benefits of smiling, but you'll see when you do it the first time, how good it feels. Try it.
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    @chabad360 I just smiled reading your comment! Thank you. It sounds like great advice.
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    To say the least: That one tip really changed me.

    Glad to help. 😁
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