
What technical websites do you follow to stay updated?

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    Threat wire by hak5
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    I tend to keep to the official docs/blogs/resources for the stacks I work with.

    To much useless noise out there.
    If I need some further clarification on a topic I'll go digging the internet for it, but I tend to avoid bloggers.
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    Whatever my google assistant yells out at me... Generally the verge sad to say
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    TechCrunch and also medium
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    Sometimes i visit sites like Dev.to ,tech crunch, the verge, venturebeat,etc

    But mostly i have apps for fossbytes , the guardian and customisation in inshorts and google news app for tech updates.

    Reddit and LinkedIn are also great source for tech update if you follow the right ppl/tags/pages

    (And at the end, technical guruji on youtube for indians 😂)
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    They're all gay porn sites. Do I have to mention them by name [tongue firmly in cheek]?
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    Twitter works best if your feed is clean. If it is worth reading you'll get into it.

    Don't fuss about staying updated. Staying updated is overrated. If it is very important they will mail you.
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    Technical or tech (abbreviation for technology)??

    I see people quoting The Verge and TechCrunch, but my immediate reaction was towards technical documentation/specifications etc.
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    @-AJ- my bad, I mean tech sites. But all responses were great and helpful!
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    Apple related channels, via Apple News. Note the first one is a general topic. Admittedly not very helpful if your in the Android or Windows ecosystem, sorry in advance.
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    All other tech news, via Apple News again.
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