App developers, the fastest way for me to uninstall your application is for you to start sending push notifications for things that are completely unnecessary. They won't remind me to use the app. They'll remind me to uninstall it.

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    As soon as any app sends me a push notification that isn't needed OR was sent even if I choose to disable notifications - that app is gone + 1 start review is left.
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    Developer doesn't get money if you don't use the app (except subscription). So to them there's no difference between you uninstalling the app and letting it sit in dust.
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    @n4flu94 Why sit in the dust? What if I use it daily but just don't want any notifications? Or... Especially the ones that notify you that you haven't used app in 24hours (or even 12h) while... you are on vacation and you just don't need it now...
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    @potata If the app is useful to you (i.e. you use it) then there's no way you will uninstall it because of a notification (especially when the option to mute is only a few taps away)
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    devrant does that, but not uninstalling it
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    @chowdercake really? On Android I don't think I've ever gotten a notification.
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    Devrant gives a notification that this many rants since I left
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    Instagram is the most shit, Ill go on my phone in the morning and have a notification with no content, and just the title "instagram", and then ill get another halfway through the day
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    @Techno-Wizard devrant sends a LOT of notifications. Someone ++d you, someone commented on something you commented on etc. But.. they can be turned off in settings, so no big deal (though I'd have much preferred to opt in rather than opt out)
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    @torpkev I guess I blocked them at some point. lol
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