
People like this guy commentating are the main reason why evolution is still just a theory.

Let's take for example someone having a problem with their car not starting up.

Already seeing this guy's response would be:
"Personally I hate cars. Seems like its always they're broken. Have you just tried using your legs and run 40 kilometers to work every day?"

No I didn't you fucker, and you know why? Because it's not convenient. The same way how it's not convenient for me or any sane developer to drop to a command line and run custom query (which can be automated) every time I want to quickly check some values in development.

And no, the OP didn't ask for setup of this on production, the conversation kept on in comments below and this guy was still defending his productive idea.

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    you're right.
    But still evolution is just a theory
  • 4
    Evolution will never be more than a theory. That is the highest possible outcome in science. The same as the theory of gravitation and the germ theory will always remain theories.
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    @TobiSGD except evolution doesn't have yet (and never will have) a proof
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    @Coffe2Code yeah, scientists seem not to be with you on that.
  • 7
    @Coffe2Code The formal scientific definition of theory is quite different from the everyday meaning of the word. It refers to a comprehensive explanation of some aspect of nature that is supported by a vast body of evidence. sorry for being a twat.
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    @Coffe2Code Clearly you are living 100 years in the past.
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    @Konsole or maybe in the future
  • 4
    As long as there are no proofs AGAINST evolution, it will remain a theory. Science is about disproving things. It is a good theory because no one has ever came up with a proof against it.
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    @Lensflare It's actually proven. See the London subway mosquito case. That's considered one of the biggest cases in favor of evolution.
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    @Konsole I don't want to sound like I reject evolution theory, but is the case mentioned by you accepted as a proof? I would still count it as evidence. I am on the extreme side saying nothing can be really proven right. Only wrong. 😁
  • 3
    @Lensflare It is one of the many evidences. Plus there are numerous research papers on dna which prove it.
    Dna proves our evolution from apes through many different intermediate species.

    Fun fact: unlike most people believe, humans are not actually evolved from neanderthals. Some homo-sapiens happened to mate with neanderthals.
    This is proved by the fact that Europeans and Asians contain about 2-6% neanderthal dna but native Africans don't. And homo-sapiens originated from Africa.
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    @Nanos not sure what you mean by sudden jump phases. They are triggered by only certain activities. Like if humans were to go to Mars, they would evolve much quickly because of bombardment of uv Rays. And given enough time, they might e able to adapt to the extreme heat. (Inside protected Chambers of course)

    Or if some calamity occurs which suddenly requires us to adapt quickly or perish.

    But evolution does happen.
    For example a research claimed that eyes of newer generations were slightly more accustomed to light from tv/computers/mobiles etc.

    Btw, of you are interested, there is a YouTube channel PBSEons. It's pretty good for knowing about biological history of planel.
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    Actually my knowledge is pretty limited. It's just my cousin that keeps on telling me all these interesting facts. She is doing research on such things in univ. And I like reading articles and watching videos on these topics.
  • 1
    Evolution is just a theory in the same way that gravity, germ, atomic, and quantum theories are 'just' theories. All of them are theories, and if they're wrong then all of modern medicine and science is wrong and everything we use on a daily basis is actually powered by magic and witchcraft.
  • 1
    @Nanos That's actually pretty interesting topic. Ancient Hindus had entire maps of solar system. With orbits of each planet till Saturn. Without having telescope (or at least so we think). Accurate upto 95% by today's calculations. And at the same time had deep understanding of the human body to the internal organs.

    Similarly the Egyptian, Greek and Roman civilizations.
    Perhaps there was intelligent life before them that vanished.

    One thing that particularly interests me is that many religious have the same origin story. Of species in a boat. Maybe it was not a boat but a capsule meant to protect them until time was right?
    I am going too far here 😆

    Perhaps we can continue this discussion on telegram.
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    Please continue.. 🤔🙄
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    (Because I found this thread very interesting)
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    Are we discussing evolution or Darwinism? Because while evolution is proper theory (a good explanation until proven false), Darwin's theory is mathematicaly impossible, among other issues...
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    @Nanos evolution is that humans evolve, we do. Our bodies (and genome) over time and generations evolves to adapt to certain circumstances.

    Darwin says (in a gist) all living organisms on Earth evolved from one small microorganism. Which he (Darwin) admitted his theory had some issues, and is mathematicaly impossible.
  • 2
    There is proof of evolution.
    Look for macro evolution.
    Look at skulls.
    If that is not proof, then I'm sorry. I can't show you a monkey becoming a human because that is not possible and that's not what happen.
    People saying there is no proof of evolution don't know what is evolution.
  • 1
    @Nanos there are a few issues with Darwinism. First of all, in the fossil chain there are gaping holes between certain species, and in order for that to work there would need to be some metamorphosis happening.

    Which brings me to my next point. If I recall correctly fruit flys are the most mutating creatures (in part due to their short life span), and studies were done to see if any group (of many fruit flys) would radically mutate into effectively a new insect. None did.

    Finally, from a mathatical point of view, natural selection on this scale, is virtually impossible.

    Humans evolving has nothing to do with that. We change to fit our environment over time, but not nearly as radically as in Darwin's theory of evolution.
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    We as humans can not imagine the huge amounts of time it took for some changes to happen. We can't simulate this within a few years with experiments.

    Evolution is not something you can disprove by putting some flies in a chamber with radiation showing that they don't become a new species.
    What kind of experiment was that? Sounds shady.
  • 0
    @Lensflare not just a few, but alot.

    If we can not imagine how long it takes, then why have we given it a number?

    It is not even good science, it's a theory that cannot be proven and apparently cannot be disproven either (and that is not science, that's dogma). And all of science is just that, a theory, and that's why we can disproven and reject theories that are considered fact, because sometimes it happens that not alk of the facts line up with that theory, hence proving it false. Such is the case with Darwinism. To extrapolate as far as he does is the worst possible science.
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    To extrapolate as far as he does is the worst possible science. And that's aside for the fact that these changes were random, so if it (Darwinist evolution) is a natrual event (it must be) it must have happened again, but evidently it hasn't happened it past thousand or so years, i.e. it's not a natural event, which means it never happened (unless g-d did it that way, but I don't think that sits well with Darwin).

    BTW with the amount of pollution fount in the atmosphere, you'd think that some sort of extreme (positive) mutation might have shown up by now, but nope, it hasn't.
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    See other comments here. There are examples of evolution happening within small timescales.

    Evolution is just our best current explanation for life forms. There are missing links but there are no contradictions. You should not think of it like the claim to be the absolute truth (like in religion). It is just a good theory and the only good explanation.

    Because of this, most people are accepting it as truth. And it is a reasonable and pragmatic way of thinking. Rejecting it as false because it doesn't have all the answers would be just not useful.
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    And its not like we just take the words of darvin and believe them. Again evolution explains most of things very well. That is why this theory is successful.
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