
Apparently my ISP does hosting.. and puts in their higher tier hosting package.. MySQL 5. And they actually market this. Version 5.0 got released in 2005 and after 2015, we're at version 8.

Anyone seen the machete? I've got some heads to take.

  • 4
    Yeah that sounds like Belgian isp levels.. They also give you a free website usually if you are a customer.
  • 2
    Your isp gives you a database 😨
    Sweet jebus I only get 10mb "space" for static files.
  • 2
    @C0D4 you have to pay for the db
  • 3
    @epse sounds like telenet haha
  • 2
    @sergeyBrin yup very much does, though I doubt Belgacom is any better
  • 3
    @epse belgacom is over ;) => proximus, which is depending very strong on government. They have lower speeds but their Organisations and Big Companies (FullFiber and higher) are not bad
  • 3
    @sergeyBrin @epse also, Proximus ks the first one to (be) support(ing) 4TBPS network incoming to them. In Brussels you can go up to 400Gbps as those lines are set. Liedekerke has 100Gbps lines. It’s related to gov but on average it’s not that bad their future. (Know this from the one who set this up ‘aka a friend’)
  • 2
    @sergeyBrin @epse also Telenet with all their price ups
  • 1
    @sergeyBrin oh I know I just can't get Belgacom out of my head. Interesting to see some actual fucking progress in Belgian isp land for once
  • 2
    @epse well government is paying with our money of course Proximus to put fiber everywhere
  • 2
    @epse also don’t forget Proximus was world’s first to have vectoring on VDSL
  • 2
    @sergeyBrin @epse

    PS @dfox, can’t seem to edit comment to add image. It just doesn’t add it
  • 2
    @sergeyBrin yet as a consumer, both suck arse to have lol
  • 2
    @epse, wait for it lol. We still live in the hellhole (according to Trump) our government sucks our parlement, doesn’t exist. And we pay for literally everything they think is usefull.
  • 2
    @epse also until begin of 2019 we have been paying to gov for Copper lines from proximus they added to new buildings.
  • 1
    @sergeyBrin yeah... It's kinda sad
  • 2
    @epse in Ternat they are doing road works, Proximus put Fibre « for future use » but only like 20meters and not accorded. But yeah we pay for it to gov so why not do things for fun and let them « rotten »
  • 1
    @sergeyBrin oh god the GTI are coming back...
  • 1
    I think electric chair set to "short shocks for long term pain" will be best
  • 1
    Yup, Belgium seems to be in the second place after Germany to have the worst/most outdated/ancient Internet infrastructure in Europe.
    Or perhaps it's just my impression after living in Brussels for a while.
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