
We Developers Are Organisms That Covert Caffeine into Code ☕

How many of you are Caffeine Addicted?

  • 2
    Cringe lmao

    I drink a lot of caffeine but mainly because its in the form of soda.

    But I also drink a lot of water everyday too.
  • 0
    @kgbemployee this is soo true 😅
  • 5
    Currently have a massive headache because I didn't have time for coffee before leaving for work so there's that. I pray everyone at the office leaves me alone until I can make it to the coffee machine
  • 0
    Fact: if @C0D4 doesn't have coffee, shit hits the fan and production fails

    Fact: if @C0D4 had coffee, nothing goes wrong.

    Verification: @C0D4 didn't have coffee today and production failed like a little bitch.
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