!dev (when do I ever post a dev related story? I only post about my personal life really)

For about 2 years I had a very good friend, and I had a huge crush on her for most of those 2 years. All of my junior year of high school, she dated my best friend, then they broke up the summer after because he'd cheated on her around the time they got together and she had found out. I was there for both of them during the breakup (it was fucking exhausting). The thing is, I was there for the girl more because I had a crush on her, and I started to consider her my best friend rather than her ex.

She knew I had a crush on her for a long time. But she still spent about a year going to parties every weekend, getting fucking hammered, and hooking up with random guys, then proceeded to tell me about it after. I can't count how many times she had to cancel plans because she got hammered the night before.

But I had a huge crush on her, so I essentially put her up on a pedestal, thinking she could do no wrong. Then we hit a point where we didn't talk for a couple months because I hit a low point and she was uncomfortable with me because of it. Around April we started talking again, immediately back to being best friends but my feelings for her came and went for a while. She had a huge crush on our other friend that had a girlfriend at the time. Life went on, she actually ended up being my first kiss while she was drunk one night (I was sober cause I was driving), but I started talking to a different girl a few days before then, so I was very conflicted about everything there.

Then a few weeks ago came. A different friend got a Radeon 5700 XT and I went over to his house to check it out and everything. We ended up talking for a while, and the conversation turned to my whole friend group that I hung out with all the time (the girl being the center of the group). That friend was never very fond of her, and he always made that very clear. Basically he made me realize that she's not perfect, and that I'd been seeing her through rose-colored glasses.

I spent a week or so rethinking our whole friendship, and I realized that she is nowhere near fucking perfect. For example, she ALWAYS has to be the center of attention. If our friend group is focusing on someone else for whatever reason, she essentially throws a fit then gets really quiet to get attention. Also she can't take criticism at all, she always acts like a victim if you try to criticize her in any way. I also feel like every time I tried to better myself in some way, she ended up bringing me down and making me feel like my problems aren't important. She uses her kindness as a weapon, such as "How could you say that about me? I've been nothing but kind to you!" And the list just goes on.

So, about a week ago, I told her that I feel like she's a toxic person, and she does nothing but bring people down over time, because that's truly how I feel. And of course, she couldn't take the criticism, and said "I don't even know why you feel that, I've been nothing but nice to you".

I haven't talked to anyone in that friend group in one week now. And I feel a lot better mentally. Being friends with her felt like a chore. Only one person in that friend group has tried to talk to me, and that was today. Nobody else has texted me or anything since last Monday. And I honestly couldn't care less. I feel like a huge chapter of my life is over, like the depressing chapter in a book.

I don't know how to end this. I'm doing fairly well now, been hanging out with coworkers a bunch lately. Life's actually kinda good for once.

  • 4
    Well done.
  • 13
    I love how you've managed to insert a Radeon reference in a love story 😁
  • 7
    @netikras I mean, the Radeon is very important to the story my dude. If it weren't for that GPU existing, chances are the events of the past few weeks wouldn't have happened
  • 0

    I've had money stuff come up a bunch, so I haven't been able to get one. I should *finally* be getting the money from insurance for my car fairly soon, so that's about $900, but I may buy a new car so I'm not driving one that'll have basically zero coverage. Depending on how much money I have left over from insurance, I may be getting a Switch fairly soon.

    Aside from the Switch, thanks for supporting me with this. Basically the only people that have supported me with this are the ones that don't know her that well. She's manipulative, so generally, once she has you in her web, there's no getting out, but I managed to get the fuck out.
  • 1
    You change your behaviour, even though you can't change the way you feel. I had to call out a former friend last Friday for being hours late, if he showed up at all. Once, recently, a guy was driving him to my place. He turned the car around so he could fuck my friend. My friend never told him I was waiting. My friend never told me he wasn't gonna be here. I kept it under control but something erupted inside of me Friday and I just went through automatic actions. I didn't think I'd do this; it just came out of left field.
    Getting back to you, though. Don't contact people from this friend group. You'll realize, sooner rather than later, they are not now, nor have they ever been, your friend. Good luck...
  • 1
    Dayumn!! Cheers!
  • 2
    teenagers stuff
  • 1
    She wasn’t comfortable around you because you were low! Dude can’t believe you were in this for 2 years.
  • 0
    A bit more: this friend got me into vaping, and a good amount of music, and she was in my car when I got into my accident a couple months ago. She was a huge influence on me for a while. It hurt to realize that she was just making my mental health worse, but I did my grieving a few weeks ago.

    Hell, even my family knows her, and they LOVE her, especially my mom and younger sister.

    Life feels kinda weird, moving on. But I like the direction it's headed toward.

    For a while, she had me so down and depressed that I couldn't bring myself to write code for shit. Now I've spent the past 2 days working on my todo list of small projects. I'm proud of myself guys.
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