
i hate people who join the company with a engineering in computer science degree and then can't even setup freaking java on their system.
like that is one of the basic languages taught to programmers, how do you graduate CS yet not know how to setup java!!!!!
this idiot today tired setting up eclipse without java and got errors and comes to me saying your files are corrupt.... i ask what happens and he shows me a error message box saying cannot find java paths... and then says i keep getting this error!!!
like freaking read the damn error and fix it. you're an engineering graduate for gods sake!!!!

  • 2
    docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/app --workingdir=/app openjdk /bin/sh

    Life can be so easy sometimes :D
  • 4
    Yeah, only an idiot would use Eclipse.
  • 2
    @electrineer damn it! <hides eclipse window>
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    Just like I have bo idea how to set up angular I guess...
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    Can't talk for all universities, but you wouldn't belive the shit I saw... The first assignment included step by step screenshots how to set up java and eclipse, there where still people messing it up...
  • 1
    @Nanos really? You told me you would never tell. Oh wait, nevermind, nothing to see here...
  • 2
    on one hand @netikras makes a good point. Just because he doesn't know how to setup jdk doesn't mean he's an idiot. However on the other hand, if he's a programmer, he should at least know how to copy the error into google and try to fix it before bothering someone else. Dunno, sounds dumb to me too, but I know from experience that I have to keep asking the FE guys on how to run certain FE projects because we have all kinds of angular versions going on all the way back to angular 1 and I might be able to google it everytime I forget how to run it, but its faster to ask at that point (ideally make an alias to remember it for me tho)
  • 1
    This is kind of across the board. Drives me insane to see someone come out with a degree in computer science yet not know how to run simple commands at the Linux command line. Or even how to get their windows IP via command line...I hate how universities are allowing a degree program that doesn't teach basic commandline skills.
  • 1
    Half of my cs one class failed because they waited till the end of the course to ask for help setting up eclipse.
  • 0
    intelliJ ftw
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