
Drugs and coding.


I'll go first. Yes.

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    The last time I went into weed and psylocibine (I have a PhD in that) was in june 1979, it took me eight years to detox, then I got married
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    I learned to code in 1992 or so
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    sounds like a cautionary tale...
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    I find speed/adderall/dexedrine does nicely

    sometimes a bit of weed with the speed, not too much.

    And a beer now and again
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    In Peru, at Lima supermarkets you can buy coca leaf Lipton tea, it was nice, but at that time i considered math as the best booster
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    I suppose why not
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    Jesus. A beer or two is enough for me
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    Caffeine, yes.
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    Caffeine and alcohol, yes. Anything else, hell no.
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    Coding being psychotropic and addictive, it seems like a bad idea to mix.
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    Looking at most software then this has to the only explanation. Sober people can't be writing this shit.
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    Looking at most software then this has to the only explanation. Sober people can't be writing this shit.
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    @platypus yeah, sorry about that
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    I smoke W. But don't drink (generally, more occasionally), and despise any other drug use. Tried speed once, talked my ass out of my head and made some people cry just by telling a true story with them as headliners. They don't bother me anymore; Check.

    There's many times I've solved a certain problem, just thinking through the thing, or being able to focus on it. Dunno.. it's fine to me to be a bit of a mellow high, though I'm used to it by now.. sleep is for the weak, or the weekend. Luckily I can go through weeks without it too. I won't be looking for some. It just lands on my lap at times. x)
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    Only caffeine and coconut oil. For now.
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    Careful. Coconut oil is a gateway drug.
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    @xewl I find if you smoke very little weed, every so often, when you do, it makes you insanely creative. Whatever problems I have, solved after a few puffs. But that only works if i'm not smoking it everyday.

    Mix that with some good ol amphetamines, and you get .... results! Is it cheating? Fuck yeah and I work for myself so I could care less.

    Outta the way, peasants!

    *dies of sudden heart attack

    oh shit.
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    @Nanos that's all fine, until next week when they tell us that eggs have good cholesterol, not bad

    changes all the time

    but cool article, thanks for the link
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    even more related...

    @yerdax @Nanos

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    Yep, I tend to go for the same combo
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    @Nanos im a little behind in my reading ok
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    I owe Vyance and Adderall my whole career.
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    @yerdax Here too, but I consider mate works better for coding. Better than coffee
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    @Nicci so you're also legit ADHD like me

    I was diagnosed just 5 years ago and it made total sense...im 40 lol
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    @rant1ng speed and coding?! Wtf, you have my respect
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    Well Its like medicine to me, its amphetamine, same as in adderal, though, a lot dirtier. I dabble.
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    @josap I'm guessing careful dosing? Not being a vacuum cleaner.
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    I smoke up if the work isn’t that cognitively demanding (just updating some config files etc). If writing an entire new feature (changing APIs and writing queries) with a deadline in mind, I have to be sober and clear-headed.
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