
When you set an alias for vi and completely forget about it

# alias vi=nano

God damn, I was so confused for a minute 🤦‍♂ï¸

  • 4
    No. Vi/Vim/Neovim/Evil emacs are the only true editors.

    Please reverse that alias.
  • 2
    @Cultist but... I don't want to be a convert.

    I like my vi for quick and dirty changes.
  • 3
    @Jilano I mean... Nano > life but...
  • 2
    @Jilano I don't even remember doing it, But, I guess past me wanted to skrew with future me.

    Oh, yea well that's what happens when there's an emu/roo fight down ere.
  • 0
    @Jilano I've always thought nano was great, also starting to think flannel isn't cool anymore
  • 1
    How about alias vin
  • 0
    Err... what?! I mean, I get that you might prefer one editor to another, but why alias them?! I'm really struggling to see the point in that...
  • 0
    @AlmondSauce OP is trying to convert the vim users over to the nano side
  • 1
    @swablu The only thing that's going to do is piss people off.

    If you were trying to "convert" people to veganism, you wouldn't do very well if you gave them a carrot when they asked for a burger, and just said "surprise!"
  • 2
    @AlmondSauce check my comment ^^
    I don't actually remember doing it, probably some "oh let's confuse the fuck out of my self later in life moment"

    As for converting users to nano, I don't mind either editor, nano is good when showing someone new to Linux terminals how to edit files without confusing them too much.

    Like... ok now press Ctrl^O and Y, cool, and now ctrl^X , see easy!!

    compared to,

    Press insert, no no press insert again, ok now press :wq no, delete that, press insert, and now : and w and... oh skrew it give it here.

  • 1
    @C0D4 Yeah, I'm a hardcore vim user, but I'd never throw someone at vim if they were new to Linux / the shell in general.
  • 1
    @Jilano I like trees
  • 3
    What an vile prank.
    Do you know who wrought such a travesty on your machine? Find them and torture them.
  • 3
    @Root self torture? Can't say I've had the pleasure 😉
  • 1
    @-red i would hope so.
    Otherwise that really leads to more issues then just an alias being set....
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