Anyone here play an instrument (yes, singing counts you dim wits)? Almost 85% of my colleagues do, and i was wondering if it holds true here...

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    B A S S 🙋🏾‍♂️
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    Piano (rise, my keyboard brothers !), Ukulele and good old launchpad for MAO.
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    Piano, although I don't play very often any more.
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    A little bit of everything, none of it well enough to perform live. Guitar, ukulele, bass, piano, drums...
    I found out some years ago that I don't have the disciplin to learn any instrument well. In stead I compose my own music and practice whatever I need to be able to record it.
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    Drums 🥁
    I’ve noticed a lot of developers are also musicians. I think the two disciplines share a common approach and attitude.
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    @bigOHNOtation kindred drummer 🤘

    Muscos and developers seems to be a easy cross - discipline, repetition and the want to better yourself out of enjoyment.
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