What the fuck happened to laravel docs, what fuckwad thought the only docs across the entire internet that are properly readable, need its shit fucked up and made into borderless, bold fontweight, shit font dogshit.

  • 4
    at least make some border around it, instead of some ugly shadow implied mess
  • 2
    It just looks like a text document printed on white copypaper. I like it.

    What I don't like is the sidebar and footer on smaller devices.
  • 0
    Read a speculated post that Laravel is planning to go Enterprise route.

    I'm more concerned about it than the UI refreshed ☹️
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    @cursee elaborate? doubt they'll close source it suddenly
  • 2
    Someone wanted more "pop" and "make it look like it's off the page"
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    @niush I wouldn't mind if they improved, but what the fuck, the old docs were the best both in UX and UI in any docs I've ever had to use, not to mention the on purpose offset elements that just tilt you randomly.
  • 1
    @C0D4 I've got something "off the page" for them too, they can come pick it up at their doorstep in an on fire breakfast bag.
  • 1
    @JoshBent *quickly rushes over to laravel docs*

    Hate it
  • 1
    @JoshBent well I couldn't find the source anymore. But it's just a one guy's speculation/guess about the future of laravel by comparing other popular open source services like docker.
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    @ewpratten shadow, borderless and piece of shit on mobile mess? yes.
  • 0
    @JoshBent Would it be better if it was built on top of <TABLE> element with all the borders?
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