
Started online college. I don’t have a problem with the class or anything but right now I’m just trying to figure out times I can actually fucking program. I want to finish my current project so I won’t feel like I’m shit and can’t do anything even though I know I can.

On the brighter side of college. I have to eventually take a C++ class and a class on algorithms in my degree and I’m very excited because I’m not good with algorithms yet and it’s a perfect way to help me learn. And I’ve intended to revisit C++ and make it my bitch so that works out too. I just wish instead of Two Java classes I could take two C++ classes and one Java class. But whatever I know I won’t use Java after I get the degree for anything professional so I’m fine with it.

  • 2
    Don't worry about the Java classes, the experience and knowledge you get is independent of language and will translate well to other languages, especially C++
  • 1
    Also, congratulations for the collage, good luck and don't forget to have fun :D
  • 1
    @SoldierOfCode I mean I’m already a good programmer with a few languages under my belt don’t get me wrong. I’m mostly excited for the C++ class because C++ is the only language I tried to learn but couldn’t teach myself properly. Java is gonna be hella easy though. And thank you!
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