
People need to throw away their manufactured outrage about the gimp fork, glimpse. Aside from the fact that there are people who are genuinely offended by the term, it also just makes FOSS look unprofessional and foolish, that such a capable piece of software is named so crudely. If we want to be taken seriously, then something easy like changing crude and offensive names is a no-brainer.

Alt-right, 4chan, edgy defenders of the right to offend need to step aside, because they're in the way of progress.

  • 0
    I didn't even know that was a thing, but with CoC(k) being a thing, that doesn't surprise me, probably directly violates some unicorn law.
  • 1
    What does that even mean?
  • 1
    I don't really understand but it sounds fucking retarded
  • 1
    That's absolutely dumb.
  • 1
    I don't get why anybody cares? As in, how can you be that emotionally invested in something? I will never understand any extremists.
  • 1
    I don't really care about the naming issue. Besides, the software is called GIMP as an acronym, not the word “gimp” as a sexual fetish. It's funny how the same people that gets offended by an acronym resembling a word that describes a sexual fetish are often the same people that defend 9 year old drag queens doing stripteases.

    That said, I kinda like the name “Glimpse”.
  • 0

    Maybe the sexual fetish plays into the rename, but I think they take far more exception to the word's use as a pejorative for disabled people.
  • 1
    @irene Same for me, I had no idea of that connotation.
  • 0
    @irene Coming from "Murica", I didn't know the word either.
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