Someone brought her kid to work, a spoiled kid who kept screaming...

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    Why? Was the mini person required to be there? Why would someone torment their co-workers like that
  • 5
    @alexbrooklyn if you think its hard for you or the co workers imagine the parent!
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    Im just saying because you know... Im a parent. And im sure that person would prefer not taking their kid to work. I mean i love my children but fark im happy i get to go to work.

    I sometimes have to invent shit days so that my partner does not get too jealous ;)
  • 0
    @alexbrooklyn parenting stuff I guess, can't relate
  • 5
    Screaming all day and destroying productivity, that kid's got a future in management.
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    Bruh, where do you even work? Dimana ada kaya gitu ?
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    @wowotek I prefer not mentioning my workplace's name, it's really smol but it's somewhere in South Jakarta.
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