
It says here https://lingolex.com/ants.htm that ant brain has 250000 brain cells, so 40000 ants add up to one human.
The biggest unitary colony found so far has something over 300 millions of ants. They also form federations also called megacolonies and those spread across large areas and are estimated over a billion.
They have insect version of agriculture and they can decide what is the purpose of an ant when it's egg is laid (also depends on time of the year). They don't fight other ants with the same smell, which pretty much carries down.
What are they thinking about all day? Are they like "let's lay three more billions and then take over" or is it more like "how does my butt smell to you? let's eat that leaf" Because if they have hive mind as they say then they add up to some serious intelligence :-|

  • 7
    @M1sf3t If the citizens are simple biological machines, it works just fine.
  • 6
    I'm not sure if this is missing the intended tone or not, but I'm going to (hopefully) make the reality a lot less exciting. Number of brain cells is not the only thing to consider: how they are distributed matters a lot. In the case of ants, a few basic functions are replicated in massively parallel fashion, which, while impressive in it's own way, will never be comparable to the entirely different computational structure of a human brain.

    As to give mind, again, it's basically just applying a network protocol to the same computational tasks, so it's not gaining any particular benefit in terms of additional capability, beyond the benefits that network-distributing tasks bring. So, ant colonies are just better at being ants than individual ants are.
  • 1
    @M1sf3t But they have queens :O and their life is more important than life of lower ants.. is that still communism?
  • 1
    @powerfulparadox yeah I thought something like, since there is so many of them they can pretty much bruteforce possibilities. But I think the queen makes the bottleneck that cannot be removed, because it's probably the queen that says what to think about. Oh and they can also build bridges over water!
  • 0
    @M1sf3t xD
  • 1
    @M1sf3t I just imagined a female Stalingrad........ Yeah doesn't sit well with my gag reflex.
  • 1
    Isn't it nice to be in war almost always?
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