
When I was 23 or so, I worked nights in a tier-1 control room. Each workstation had a win98 desktop, and two HPUX workstations running CDE. I read all of the lord of the rings in text files on the HPUX machines, and since it was in an xterm window, my supervisor thought I was just tailing logs.

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    I compiled ircII on HP-UX from tarball, and nobody noticed the open terminal window.
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    I compiled and installed openssh(--prefix=~/openssh) on one of the HP-UX machines, as they didn't have ssh on them, so I could get into my machine at home to use BitchX, and later irssi.
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    "tailing logs" 😂🤓😝
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    Whats your advice for the current 23 old's? Let them have a glimpse of life facts
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    Get into the industry where you can. Get promoted or use the experience to get a job at another company. Work your way up. After some years, you'll have a better job, and a better idea of where you want to be. And probably a good idea of how to get there.
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    @bahua so no enjoy life stuffs?Always get busy aiming and going up?
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    Ha! Of course you should enjoy life, but that's your business. from 8 to 5, I am working on work.
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