
I guess we should call him HackerMan

  • 3
    Just ask him to put the code in a function and parameterize it... He can hack Nasa, ISRO and anything else important easily.... 😁😁😁😁
  • 9
    Didn't laugh.
  • 4
    The sad thing is, people actually write things like this and think they are hackers.

    Well, write is a strong word. They typically copy+paste from a tutorial
  • 1
    This hacker could have super-charged his black hat program but making j the loop variable (j+=20) and getting rid of i
  • 0
    We are very powerful hackers. NASA should be afraid of our skill.
  • 0
    Why not i*20 ? Why j ?
  • 1
    @NoToJavaScript Why any of it?
  • 0
    @Root Well,
    Don’t we all do useless things ?
    One of parts of my work is client data import. So you get <data> in <format> (Mostly Excel, but sometime text files and once even the whole MySQL db dump).
    Depending on the volume of data, the import can run as long as 1h.
    So, in testing stage, I just do something else. But I still want to know WHEN it ended.
    So I spent time (Being fun of tv show Silicon Valley) to find and add exactly the sound Gilfoyle for BTC price changes). Now whole office knows when an import is finished !
    Is it usefull ? nop, is it fun ? not really. Still did it
  • 1
    Maybe Sleep(300000); to make it more believable
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