So what do you guys do today to make yourself as a better human?

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    Nothing. Yet to figure out
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    I didn't run thru the door with a flamethrower and seek justice for my company suggestion for an 'office cat' being cancelled.

    Canceled because of allergies!? Gahh!!! I got something to fix those allergies!...no...no...allergies are a real medical condition...calm down....ahh...that's better.

    See, I'm a better human everyday for what I don't do.

    If the 'Office Puppy' suggestion is approved, bets are off.
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    Testified against my former employer for firing a women strictly because she was pregnant. Like flat out said exactly that. The fucks not given were unreal.
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    Murder humans who are better than me so i climb the ladder
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    Try to be a more patient person and understand that everything that everything does is normal and has a reason, even deep down, for it?
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    I picked up a small Jesus on the wooden cross thing that got sent to my mom but she was in the hospital and took the ferry so she never got it. The damn thing fell off the top of my cabinet right on its face! I can't leave Jesus face down on the carpet; it feels horrible. He doesn't fall often.
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    By not killing humans
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    As long as human hasn't a universal definition, I'm better without. 😊
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    Finally got a haircut after way too many months yesterday, going to buy new glasses (because my current ones are literally held together by a piece of tape and have been like this for at least two months) and buying some new clothes. It might sound stupid but these are things that make me happy because I've been a lazy piece of shit for too long
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