I am sick of Greta Thunberg fad. No this is not political but a social rant. I hate any ideology hiding behind children.

  • 17
    I just hate children
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    I agree, I think she started out with the right intentions, but I suspect she will be manipulated by those with an agenda.

    Unfortunately politicians don't do basic science, probably because a significant proportion of the electorate don't do basic science.
  • 5
    I just find it disgusting. Children know fuck all about anything yet everybody claps and cheers for her like a braindead moron. Fucking hell im 20 and still know fuck all about solving real problems
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    @Ubbe please justify me the speech where she cried hysterically about stolen dreams and accused only western countries. Inconsistend and quite delusional.
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  • 1
    @Ubbe Except that's not right. Look she may have the right intention (which is still extremely cringy, though). But she has pretty much no idea what she's talking about
  • 2
    Hard disagree on both fronts.
    1) it's not a fad. Climate change has discussed looooong before she was even born.
    2) it's not hiding behind a child. If you cannot attack climate change without ad hominem, then you should re-evaluate how you argue and why.
  • 0
    @Ubbe I have no idea about effective solutions for problems with a literally planet sized impact either. I'm also not a cringy kid crying about it on television while I can't even keep my room clean
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    I dislike her too. And that's coming from a person who cares for the climate.
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  • 1
    @Ubbe We have all been thinking about it. Yes even politicians. The issue is providing effective solutions. Just crying about it doesn't help. In fact it only hurts the cause because it unnecessarily politicises the problem which only leads to tribal behaviour. Like clueless teens crying about it.

    All major nations have been working on solutions since around 2000, probably before that even. Fifty years after we even realised as a species that this is something of concern. If it would be easy it would have been solved many years ago.

    It's not that easy. And again: Emotional outrage doesn't fix anything, it leads to bad decisions
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    Then you haven't understood what it's all about and where, how and why she began what she began.

    Also: Not dev related.
  • 0
    @12bitfloat sounds like tone policing but okay
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    @Yamakuzure it is not dev related. So? devRant isn't just for dev related things
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    @Yamakuzure she didn't begin anything. It was already there before she was even born.

    She did begin blaming people without giving any suggestions on how to solve things unlike green politicians
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    @skeleboi Not so much tone policing and more criticisim of cluelessness
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    @12bitfloat but you don't know what you're talking about. We've *had* solutions for years but no one is following through. Praxis *is* action.
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    @skeleboi We have virtually no realistic and effective solutions. Maybe nuclear power
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    @Ubbe Foolish action is worse than no action. But I haven't heard you give any solutions either
  • 1
    @Ubbe No I have heard plenty solutions. I haven't heard any *effective* and *realistic* solutions
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    If you have big mouth you can do everything you want

    - Hitler

    (No its a joke)
  • 5
    When she turns 18 in 2 years will this no longer be an issue?

    The thing I find troublesome about complaints about Greta Thunberg is that they seem to come mostly from people who are looking for any reason to avoid doing anything about the climate at all. Greta Thunberg wouldn't exist today if we had done what the scientists were telling us to do 30 years ago. If we had started 5 years ago, 25 years after actual adult experts were telling us to do something, she wouldn't exist. If your issue is really with her and not with climate action in general, then ignore her and listen to the scientists instead. It won't change your behaviour a whit because that's all she's telling people to do, listen to the scientists.
  • 2
    @M1sf3t "when your closest neighbor is over a mile away and that's true for half your population then you don't really see the heavy affects of climate change thru the weather."

    As someone who lives in a rural area, that's only true so long as your life doesn't depend on the weather. It's easy to ignore the shifts in climate that have been happening if you work in oil/gas. Less so if you make your living through agriculture, or live close to the shoreline, or anything like that. Climate change doesn't care about localized population density; things like sea level and weather system patterns are determined on a much broader scale than that.

    I agree that we need to support people in rural areas better, however my experience as a Canadian is that our residents in oil-heavy areas are actively hostile to being retrained into more sustainable industries even if it's 100% covered by (my) taxes. Rolling coal and generally being a dick is part of their personal identity.
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    @Ubbe no, we are thinking she is annoying and has sleazebag handlers.
  • 1
    @HollowKitty “listen to scientists” or “listen to activists” . Also she said more than that, berween hysterical whimpering.
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    @Ubbe what a shallow overused quote. Do you base your ideas on bumper stickers?
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    @jennytengsonM apparently global warming is an inminent threat so she instead tries to save world from evil capitalism.
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    @jennytengsonM Mostly not, but that's no wonder given that she has Asperger, had no friends at school, and her performance was bad. Why would she go to school if that's a living hell for her and she doesn't learn much there anyway?
  • 1
    @jennytengsonM Sweden doesn't allow homeschooling, like a lot of other European countries.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop No one must escape the indoctrination. I was an adult before I learned about communism. Swedish education has a certain "angle", to put it mildly, and it's not good if people are getting educated without the governments stamp of approval about what's being taught. It might hurt "Sverigebilden".
  • 0
    @Codex404 Sorry, missed that.

    The core demand is :

    Politicians and business leaders, listen to science and do something!

    You are fine with the world elite not coming up with any solutions and not doing anything but expensive bla bla, but demand that teenagers deliver?

    It is not the task of kids and teenagers to solve complex problems. They demand that the people with the power and resources to do so do it. And that is completely in order.
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    @Fast-Nop Greta already finished the 9 years of elementary school with excellent grades, and is now on official leave (aka "gap year").

    People, inform yourselves first, please!
  • 2
    @Yamakuzure The excellent grades came only after she was already prominent, and then despite her low attendence record.

    Before, that was quite another story because the combo of Asperger and depression made class participation low, and that usually results in bad grades no matter how bright you actually are.
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